Full List of Research Publications
Yoni Nazarathy
The list below presents my research publications (51) including refereed journal papers (28), refereed conference proceedings (16), a refereed book chapter (2), and two scholarly books (2). There are also several arXiv/medRxiv publications (3) some of which are currently under journal review. A list of work that is currently in progress is
2024 (including available under-review)
The Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning,
by Benoit Liquet, Sarat Moka, and Yoni Nazarathy. 414 pages. Published in Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series.
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[Book website] |
Navigating Mathematical Basics: A Primer for Deep Learning in Science,
by Benoit Liquet, Sarat Moka, and Yoni Nazarathy. A book chapter in Computational Neurosurgery, editors: Antonio Di Ieva, Eric Suero Molina, Sidong Liu, and Carlo Russo.
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[Book Chapter] |
Nonparametric Testing via Partial Sorting, with K. Bisewski and H.M. Jansen. Appears in arXiv:2210.14546.
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[Paper] |
Traffic Equations for Fluid Networks with Overflows, by S. Fleuren, H. M. Jansen, E. Lefeber, and Y. Nazarathy. Appears in arXiv:2001.09611.
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[Paper] |
Covariance Clustering: Modelling Covariance in Designed Experiments When the Number of Variables is Greater than Experimental Units,
by Clayton R Forknall, Arūnas P Verbyla, Yoni Nazarathy, Adel Yousif, Sarah Osama, Shirley H Jones, Edward Kerr, Benjamin L Schulz, Glen P Fox, and Alison M Kelly.
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[Paper] |
Emerging data inputs for infectious diseases surveillance and decision making,
by Aminath Shausan, Yoni Nazarathy, and Amalie Dyda.
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The Value of Information and Efficient Switching in Channel Selection, by Jiesen Wang, Yoni Nazarathy, Thomas Taimre. Published in Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
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[arXiv] |
Emulation of epidemics via Bluetooth-based virtual safe virus spread: experimental setup, software, and data, by Azam Asanjarani, Aminath Shausan, Keng Chew, Thomas Graham, Shane G. Henderson, Hermanus M. Jansen, Kirsty R. Short, Peter G. Taylor, Aapeli Vuorinen, Yuvraj Yadav, Ilze Ziedins, and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in PLOS Digital Health.
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[Paper] |
Diffusion Parameters of Flows in Stable Multi-class Queueing Networks,
by Sarat Moka, Yoni Nazarathy, and Werner Scheinhardt.
Published in Queueing Systems.
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On Busy Periods of the Critical GI/G/1 Queue and BRAVO, by Y. Nazarathy and Z. Palmowski. Published in Queueing Systems.
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Stationary Markovian Arrival Processes: Results and Open Problems,
by Azam Asanjarani and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in The ANZIAM Journal.
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Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.,
by Yoni Nazarathy and Hayden Klok. 532 pages.
Published in Springer Series in the Data Sciences.
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[Book] |
A Novel Implementation of Q-Learning for the Whittle Index, by Lachlan J. Gibson, Peter Jacko, and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in VALUETOOLS 2021: Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools .
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[Paper] |
Safe Blues: The case for virtual safe virus spread in the long-term fight against epidemics, by Raj Dandekar, Shane G Henderson, Hermanus M Jansen, Joshua McDonald, Sarat Moka, Yoni Nazarathy, Christopher Rackauckas, Peter G Taylor, and Aapeli Vuorinen. Published in Patterns.
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A survey of parameter and state estimation in queues, by Azam, Asanjarani, Yoni Nazarathy, and Peter Taylor. Published in Queueing Systems.
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Estimation of semi-Markov multi-state models: a comparison of the sojourn times and transition intensities approaches, by Azam Asanjarani, Benoit Liquet, and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in The International Journal of Biostatistics.
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[Paper] |
Safe blues: A method for estimation and control in the fight against covid-19, by Raj Dandekar, Shane G Henderson, Hermanus M Jansen, Sarat Moka, Yoni Nazarathy, Christopher Rackauckas, Peter G Taylor, and Aapeli Vuorinen. Appears in medRxiv 10.1101/2020.05.04.20090258.
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Towards Q-learning the Whittle Index for Restless Bandits, by Jing Fu, Yoni Nazarathy, Sarat Moka, and Peter G. Taylor. Published in 2019 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC).
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[Conference Paper] |
The role of information in system stability with partially observable servers, by Azam Asanjarani and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
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Towards demand side management control using household specific Markovian models,
by Ebby Thomas, Rahul Sharma, Rahul, and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in Automatica.
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Scheduling for a processor sharing system with linear slowdown,
by Liron Ravner and Yoni Nazarathy. Published in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
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To fish or cut bait?, by Jiahao Diao, Yoni Nazarathy, Thomas Taimre, and Jerzy A Filar. Published in 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
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[Conference Paper] |
Size does matter: a simulation study of hospital size and operational efficiency, by
T. Bogomolov, J. A. Filar, R. Luscombe, Y. Nazarathy, S. Qin, P. Swierkowski, and I. Wood. Published in Proceedings-22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2017.
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[Conference Paper] |
Implementation of energy storage systems for solar PV ramp stabilization,
by Ebby Thomas, Rahul Sharma, Yoni Nazarathy. Appears in 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC).
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[Conference Paper] |
Wireless channel selection with restless bandits,
by Kuhn, Julia and Nazarathy, Yoni.
A book chapter in Markov Decision Processes in Practice, editors: Richard Boucherie, and Nico van Dijk.
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[Book Chapter] |
The challenge of stabilizing control for queueing systems with unobservable server states,
by Yoni Nazarathy, Thomas Taimre, Azam Asanjarani, Julia Kuhn, Brendan Patch, Aapeli Vuorinen.
Published in 2015 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC).
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Performance of faulty loss systems with persistent connections,
by Brendan Patch, Thomas Taimre, Yoni Nazarathy.
Published in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review.
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A dynamic view to moment matching of truncated distributions, by
Benoit Liquet, Yoni Nazarathy. Published in Statistics & Probability Letters.
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A queueing approximation of MMPP/PH/1,
by Azam Asanjarani, Yoni Nazarathy.
Appears in International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications.
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A correction term for the covariance of renewal-reward processes with multivariate rewards,
by Brendan Patch, Yoni Nazarathy, and Thomas Taimre.
Appears in Statistics & Probability Letters.
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The intercept term of the asymptotic variance curve for some queueing output processes,
by Sophie Hautphenne, Yoav Kerner, Yoni Nazarathy, and Peter Taylor.
Appears in European Journal of Operational Research.
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BRAVO for many-server QED systems with finite buffers,
by Daryl J Daley, Johan SH Van Leeuwaarden, and Yoni Nazarathy.
Appears in Advances in Applied Probability.
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Exploration vs exploitation with partially observable Gaussian autoregressive arms,
by Julia Kuhn, Michel Mandjes, Yoni Nazarathy.
Published in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools.
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Architecture and robustness tradeoffs in speed-scaled queues with application to energy management,
by Tuan V Dinh, Lachlan LH Andrew, and Yoni Nazarathy.
Published in International Journal of Systems Science.
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[Paper] |
Stability of multi-class queueing networks with infinite virtual queues, by
Yongjiang Guo, Erjen Lefeber, Yoni Nazarathy, Gideon Weiss,and Hanqin Zhang.
Published in Queueing Systems.
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The age of information in gossip networks,
by Jori Selen, Yoni Nazarathy, Lachlan Andrew, and Hai L. Vu.
Published in International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications.
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[Conference Paper] |
Linear-quadratic model predictive control for urban traffic networks,
by Tung Le, Hai L Vu, Yoni Nazarathy, Bao Vo, and Serge Hoogendoorn.
Published in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
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[Paper] |
Non-existence of stabilizing policies for the critical push–pull network and generalizations, by
Yoni Nazarathy, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa, and Thomas S Salisbury.
Published in Operations Research Letters.
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Shortest paths in Stochastic time-dependent networks with link travel time correlation,
by Wei Dong, Hai L Vu, Yoni Nazarathy, Bao Quoc Vo, Minyi Li, Serge Paul Hoogendoorn.
Appears in Transportation research record.
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The variance of departure processes: puzzling behavior and open problems,
by Yoni Nazarathy.
Published in Queueing Systems.
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The asymptotic variance of departures in critically loaded queues,
by Ahmad Al Hanbali, Michel Mandjes, Yoni Nazarathy, Ward Whitt.
Published in Advances in Applied Probability.
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Thousand-port optical packet switch architecture with highly distributed control,
by S Di Lucente, Y Nazarathy, N Calabretta, O Raz, and HJS Dorren.
Published in European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications.
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[Conference Paper] |
Scalable optical packet switch architecture for low latency and high load computer communication networks,
by Nicola Calabretta, Stefano Di Lucente, Yoni Nazarathy, Oded Raz, and Harmen Dorren.
Published in 2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks.
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[Conference Paper] | [More...]
Controllable thousand-port low-latency optical packet switch architecture for short link applications,
by S Di Lucente, J Nazarathy, O Raz, N Calabretta, and HJS Dorren.
Published in 16th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, December 1-2, 2011, Ghent, Belgium.
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A fluid approach to large volume job shop scheduling,
by Yoni Nazarathy and Gideon Weiss.
Published in Journal of Scheduling.
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Model predictive control for the acquisition queue and related queueing networks,
by Johan SH van Leeuwaarden, Erjen Lefeber, Yoni Nazarathy, Jacobus E Rood.
Published in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications.
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[Conference Paper] |
Positive Harris recurrence and diffusion scale analysis of a push pull queueing network,
by Yoni Nazarathy and Gideon Weiss.
Published in Performance Evaluation.
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[Paper] |
Fast and scalable optical packet switch architecture for computer communication networks,
by S Di Lucente, Y Nazarathy, O Raz, N Calabretta, HJS Dorren.
Published in The 15th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux 2010, Delft, The Netherlands.
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Optimal file splitting for wireless networks with concurrent access,
by Gerard Hoekstra, Rob Van Der Mei, Yoni Nazarathy, Bert Zwart.
Published in NET-COOP 2009: International Conference on Network Control and Optimization.
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[Conference Paper] |
Near optimal control of queueing networks over a finite time horizon,
by Yoni Nazarathy, Gideon Weiss.
Published in Annals of Operations Research.
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A push–pull network with infinite supply of work,
by Anat Kopzon, Yoni Nazarathy, and Gideon Weiss.
Published in Queueing Systems.
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The asymptotic variance rate of the output process of finite capacity birth-death queues,
by Yoni Nazarathy, Gideon Weiss.
Published in Queueing Systems.
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